Besides, a number of ab initio calculations provide mostly negative SFEs (e.g., −26 mJ/m 2 for CrCoNi MEA, −7 mJ/m 2 for CrCoNiFeMn HEA by Huang et al. reported as 18 ± 4 mJ/m 2 in CrCoNi MEA and 26.5 ± 4.5 mJ/m 2 in CrCoNiFeMn HEA using TEM 2, 11. 9 reported the SFE of 22 ± 4 mJ/m 2 in CrCoNi MEA, which is ~25% lower than CrCoNiFeMn HEA (30 ± 4 mJ/m 2) and Liu et al. The key issue of the CrCoNi MEA is the low SFE, which creates a wide stacking fault ribbon limiting the cross slip deformation mode and provides the superior mechanical properties by the dominant deformation twinning 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. The SFE is defined as the energy per fault area by dissociating a perfect dislocation into Shockley partial dislocations and considered as a surface tension pulling the partials, which is inversely proportional to the equilibrium distance between two partials 14. Stacking fault energy (SFE) has been accepted as a responsible parameter to determine the deformation schemes, which is typically by slip (>45 mJ/m 2) to twinning (20–45 mJ/m 2) and/or phase transformation (<20 mJ/m 2) as often reported in austenitic stainless steels 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Earlier formation of the nano-twinning and its activation over a more extended strain range is of importance accepted as the reason of the exceptional strength-ductility-toughness combination in MEA. Systematic examinations of the substructure elucidate that the critical twinning stress of 790 ± 100 MPa reaches at the earlier strain of 9.7–12.9% for CrCoNi MEA than 720 ± 30 MPa at ~25% for CrCoNiFeMn HEA because of higher yield strength and work hardening rate with larger shear modulus of the MEA 8, 9, 10. High attention has been focused on the evolution of the twinning substructure and/or a new phase with hexagonal close packed structure instead of the initial deformation mode of the dislocation slip in MEAs 6, 7, 8, 9. Compared to the HEA, superior mechanical properties of CrCoNi medium-entropy alloys (MEA) have been recently reported at both room and cryogenic temperature 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. The reason of the exceptional properties at cryogenic temperature has been mainly attributed to the evolution of the nanoscale twinning under plastic deformation, so-called twinning-induced plasticity 2, 3. The significant variance of the SFE suggests the critical twinning stress as 830 ± 25 MPa for the AM SS 316 L and 790 ± 40 MPa for AM CrCoNi, respectively.Įxcellent combination of strength, ductility, and toughness has been found in an equiatomic, face-centered-cubic CrCoNiFeMn high-entropy alloys (HEA) 1. The twinning deformation substructure and atomic stacking faults were confirmed by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The transient SFEs are attributed to the deformation activity changes from dislocation slip to twinning as straining. Meanwhile, during deformation, the SFE varies from 46 to 21 mJ/m 2 (AM SS 316 L) and 24 to 11 mJ/m 2 (AM CrCoNi) from initial to stabilized stages, respectively. The result shows that averaged SFEs are 32.8 mJ/m 2 for the AM SS 316 L and 15.1 mJ/m 2 for the AM CrCoNi alloys. The peak profiles diffracted from imperfect crystal structures were analyzed to correlate stacking fault probabilities and mean-square lattice strains to the SFE. In situ neutron diffraction was performed to obtain a number of faulting-embedded diffraction peaks simultaneously from a set of (hkl) grains during deformation. AM specimens were fabricated via directed energy deposition and tensile loaded at room temperature. Stacking fault energies (SFE) were determined in additively manufactured (AM) stainless steel (SS 316 L) and equiatomic CrCoNi medium-entropy alloys.